How to setup up radxa Rock Pi 4

  linux, raspberry-pi
Download the Rock 4 image:

First click on Show All:

Download the image writer


Run it as administrator:

Select the image

Write it to the card

Wait for it to verify

Stick it into the rock pi

Boot up

If it’s the right image, you’ll see both a green light on the rock pi, and a smaller blue light that starts flashing, meaning it’s loading the OS. If you don’t see the blue light, start over, you probably have the wrong OS written to the usb card, like Rock 3 on a Rock 4 hardware.

Once it’s up and running, log in with rock / rock

Become root with sudo su

# run
apt-get update

If you see this error:

Run this:

export DISTRO=focal-stable
wget -O -$DISTRO/public.key | sudo apt-key add -

Then run apt-get update again

Run apt-get upgrade

Add a new user

adduser john

Add the user to sudoers file:

sudo visudo
# Add a line: