Category : devops

Install gitlab runner, docker version: Register the runner: Then edit the config.toml and set priviledged=true and restart the gitlab-runner container Watch the log The resulting runner configuration, and an example config.toml where docker connects v..

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This shows you how to create a nexus3 repository, create an HTTP connector (on port 8123), and docker login against that connector, and docker push images to the repo. Create the repo using http and additionally allow port 8123: Select docker(hosted) Since this is running on 8081, we can use http://host.domain:8081 to log in from, locally. 8123 is used for https ..

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You’re stuck at this place:  http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#!/login Create a service account: Get the secret: Ex output:  Copy the token, including the 6 characters after -token (in the above example it’s “cluster-admin-dashboard-sa-token-hhxv9“) Describe the secret to get the token: Example output: Copy the entire token, in this example from “ey… ” to “…t7g” Go to the login ..

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On the registry server, which is on the network over http, accessible over port 5000, you can start it as: or with authentication, you do this instead: (only change myusernamehere  and mysecretpasswordhere ) Once you’ve created the registry, leave that server and go to another server and try to log in: On the gateway server, have your ..

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Set up the subdomain forward, and wait for it to propagate. When you can ping the domain, it’s ready. Be root Edit config file that’s available. nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/ Link it from available to enabled: Create empty dir to serve subdomain: Restart nginx Make sure you can hit the URL over http (https not quite yet) ..

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On the build server, the server with Gitlab on it, create the directory where to cache jars: If you don’t have maven, install it: Edit your maven’s settings.xml file: Edit the gitlab-runner’s config.toml file: and the volumes entry, which maps <gitlab server’s directories>: Restart the runner: In the .gitlab-ci.yml file, specify -Dmaven.repo.local=/root/m2 so that the ..

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