Category : hardware

Abstract This article is a recollection of fun memories from the Guinness World Record Scuba Diving Event with Allen “The Grouper” Sherrod, and my personal involvement in building an underwater live streaming system to broadcast the event live to the world. In the end, Allen Sherrod broke the world record! Here’s how we did it. ..

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Install VLC Enable the camera and select finish, reboot. Start streaming Add contents: Save, test it: If it works, stop it again, Control + C Create a startup script with contents: Save it. Make it executable Add it to always start up Reboot and test that it starts up Reboot and test that it starts ..

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I recommend this: Grab the HDMI image from , like this one: Download it. Unzip it. Burn the .img file to a USB drive using Win32DiskImager: put it in the cubietruck, boot with it go through the setup, advanced, enable ssh server, save, exit Do everything here as root Check your version Edit the sshd confi ..

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# install pip sudo su cd curl -o python pip –version # install DHT libraries sudo pip install Adafruit_Python_DHT # sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install rpi.gpio sudo apt-get install python3-rpi.gpio sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-dev sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools sudo apt-get install libzbar-dev libzbar0 git clone cd Adafruit_Python_DHT sudo ..

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Without the library, you can get this error: Could not locate the Phidget C library ( Make sure it is installed, and add it’ s path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. at ~[spring-beans-5.2.0.RELEASE.jar!/:5.2.0.RELEASE] at ~[spring-beans-5.2.0.RELEASE.jar!/:5.2.0.RELEASE] at ~[spring-beans-5.2.0.RELEASE.jar!/:5.2.0.RELEASE] at ~[spring-beans-5.2.0.RELEASE.jar!/:5.2.0.RELEASE] at$doGetBean$0( ~[spring-beans-5.2.0.RELEASE.jar!/:5.2.0.RELEASE] at ~[spring-beans-5.2.0.RELEASE.jar!/:5.2.0.RELEASE] at ~[spring-beans-5.2.0.RELEASE.jar!/:5.2.0.RELEASE] at ~[spring-beans-5.2.0.RELEASE.jar!/:5.2.0.RELEASE] at ~[spring-beans-5.2.0.RELEASE.jar!/:5.2.0.RELEASE] ..

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/home/pi/ #!/bin/bash # Rotation # raspivid –nopreview –rotation 180 -o – -t 9999999 -b 3000000 -w 1280 -h 720 | cvlc –ffmpeg-hw -vvv stream:///dev/stdin –sout ‘#rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554}’ :demux=h264   raspivid –nopreview -o – -t 9999999 -b 3000000 -w 1280 -h 720 | cvlc –ffmpeg-hw -vvv stream:///dev/stdin –sout ‘#rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554}’ :demux=h264 /etc/init.d/startcam #! /bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO ..

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You don’t need any pull up or pull down resistors, use  pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN instead. The setup: The wiring: The test program: # Door open/closed detector # # (c) Alan Lupsha 2020 # import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # GPIO Numbers instead of board numbers MAGNET_GPIO = 18 GPIO.setup(MAGNET_GPIO, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) # GPIO ..

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Also see: #!/bin/bash # # hits the sensorreading app and grabs sensor raw value, and computes it, per phidgets 1117 raw to voltage # # Alan Lupsha 10/20/2019 # # hit the API and get the reading # # ex: {“userCommand”:”/sensor/0″,”errors”:[],”workLog”:[],”port”:{“index”:0,”value”:584}} # READING=`curl –silent -H “Accept: application/json”` echo “API reading: $READING” # # ..

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Turns out you need a powered USB hub, otherwise the Pi 3 won’t see the Phidgets 8/8/8 board. The setup: Pi3 Phidgets 8/8/8 board ( ) Phidgets 1117 voltage sensor Rosewill self-powered 7 port USB hub Once a self-powered USB hub is provided, the Phidgets IO board is detected: Setting up the Pi: sudo su apt-get ..

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Listed at: Need: firmware-misc-nonfree_20161130-5_all.deb see: Get the deb file from: Copy firmware-misc-nonfree_20161130-5_all.deb to a USB stick. On the linux box: Find your USB stick: sudo fdisk -l In my case it’s /dev/sdf1 Mount it and run the file mkdir /mnt/myusb mount /dev/sdf1 /mnt/myusb cp /mnt/myusb/firmware-misc-nonfree_20161130-5_all.deb /root cd /root deb -i firmware-misc-nonfree_20161130-5_all.deb Find ..

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The board: The board I worked with is a 16 channel relay board: I believe this process should also work with the 8 channel relay  board: The relay board has this ethernet card: The problem: The problem is that the board comes pre-programmed with the IP The solution: The following steps show you how ..

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