The Lady Luck (formerly known as the Newtown Creek), is a 324 foot (98 m) decommissioned City of New York sludge tanker. It was sunk on July 23rd, 2016 about 1.5 miles east of the Pompano Beach pier, and became an artificial reef, a haven for fish, and the new favorite diving destination. What’s different ..
Category : miscellaneous
Abstract This article is a recollection of fun memories from the Guinness World Record Scuba Diving Event with Allen “The Grouper” Sherrod, and my personal involvement in building an underwater live streaming system to broadcast the event live to the world. In the end, Allen Sherrod broke the world record! Here’s how we did it. ..
Best First Search % —————————————————- % Alan Lupsha % Knight’s tour – using best-first search % June 4th, 2007 % —————————————————- :- [adts]. state_record(State, Parent, G, H, F, [State, Parent, G, H, F]). precedes([_,_,_,_,F1], [_,_,_,_,F2]) :- F1 =< F2. go(Start,Goal) :- empty_set(Closed), empty_sort_queue(Empty_open), heuristic(Start,Goal,H), state_record(Start, nil, 0, H, H, First_record), insert_sort_queue(First_record,Empty_open,Open), path(Open,Closed,Goal). path(Open,_,_) :- empty_sort_queue(Open), ..