Category : Uncategorized

Using a Pi Zero W with a sensor to read battery voltage. Sensor, board, and pi Voltage sensor: The famous serial to digital converter: MCP3008 that’s actually easy to set up: The board: Voltage sensor: Pi Zero W: Lab power supply for testing: Exact wiring instructions: Wiring source: A great tutorial, except ..

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Here it is with all the drives taken out. If using the Ubuntu image from: ex: curl -OL apt-get will be broken, so you might need to run: wget -O – | sudo apt-key add – sudo apt-..

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Scenario: only allow local IPs to access the server. For exceptions, allow access but only by IP. The 2 include files that you see under location / are: Generate a 100 MB file of random bytes for my403.html and for my40x.html: Create the 2 html files which are actually sym links Watch the logs of ..

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