Raspberry Pi 3 – setting up a Phidgets voltage reader

  hardware, linux, phidgets, raspberry-pi

Turns out you need a powered USB hub, otherwise the Pi 3 won’t see the Phidgets 8/8/8 board.

The setup:

Once a self-powered USB hub is provided, the Phidgets IO board is detected:

Setting up the Pi:

sudo su

apt-get install libusb-dev
wget http://www.phidgets.com/downloads/libraries/libphidget.tar.gz
tar -xvf libphidget.tar.gz

cd libphidget....
make install
cp .libs/libphidget21.so /usr/lib

You have to run this as ROOT in order to detect the board, so use “sudo”:

Check the sensor 0 value:

Detecting 5 VDC hooked up to the voltage sensor:

Yup, it works!